Your triceps is a pretty sturdy muscle. But when it's tight or injured, you'll definitely feel the pain. We use our triceps more than we think, even for everyday activities. It's really important to stretch the triceps, and make sure it's ready for action. Make sure your muscles are warm before you stretch in your warm up, by doing pulse raising exercises. Don't forget to stretch your triceps in your cool down. It's essential to maintain flexibility and to help your muscles recover from your workout. These stretches should be held for at least 10 seconds. Take it to where you feel mild discomfort, but no pain. Make sure you don't overstretch. Click here to see pictures and tips of stretches submitted by other visitors to this page. Triceps StretchesHere is the best stretch for your triceps, plus a variation: 1 - Stand up straight (no slouching). 2 - Bend your right arm, so that your hand goes over your head, and reach down your spine. 3 - Use your left hand to further push your right elbow down. Feel the stretch in your right triceps. 4 - Repeat with your left arm. Tip - Keep your back straight throughout, and don't let your chin drop down. 1 - Stand with your right side next to a wall. 2 - Lift your right arm up, rest your elbow at a slight angle against the wall. 3 - Lean very slightly towards the wall. Feel the stretch in your right triceps. 4 - Repeat by switching sides. Enjoy your tricep stretches. Check out the following videos people have submitted. Get a visual example of these stretches: <<< Chest StretchesNeck Stretches >>> Show Off Your