Squat Exercise
Equipment-Free Variations

Squat exercise variations are some of the best body-weight exercises, working your legs, butt and core. These videos and instructions provide the correct technique, vital to staying injury free and toning up.

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This page will focus on squat variations that don't require any equipment. If you're looking for squats with dumbbells - click here.

All types of squats, if done correctly, are great exercises to improve your strength. No matter whether you're recovering from injury, preparing for a big game or simply trying to tone up, squats are a must.

Squats are simple exercises to do, but they give so much back, and that's why they're so great. As well as working all the major leg muscle groups, you'll also be bringing your lower back and butt (core) muscles into play.

Added to strengthening, certain muscles (i.e. hamstrings and lower back) will also be stretched. That's another bonus benefit, as those muscles in particular are often tight.

Do you, or have you had problems with your knees? Often people are scared to do squats for fear of knee injury, but the reality is that squat exercises (apart from deep squats) are safe and very effective (based on alota research done by clever people).

I can vouch for that, as someone who's been through several knee injuries, squats were a central part of my rehab. They're still an integral part of my strength workouts, helping to keep my leg strength up and avoid further injury.

As always, see your health professional if you're worried about any injuries or pain, before doing any exercise.

To avoid injury, always focus on technique. Make sure every rep is slow and fully controlled. Be sure never to rock or twist whilst in the squat.

lower body workouts

Basic Squat Exercise

Start by doing 10 reps. Or you could work to time in circuits (i.e. 30 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest).

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes facing straight ahead.
  2. Keep your back neutral (not overly arched or slouched), and head facing forward throughout.
  3. Bend your knees and go down into the squat by using your glutes to stick your butt backwards (like you're about to sit down).
  4. Keep going until your knees are almost at 90 degrees. Keep your knees pointed in the same direction as your feet, but don't let them bend beyond your toes.
  5. Focus on your thighs and butt as you come back up.
  6. Go into the next rep without locking your knees. Complete your reps and sets with slow, steady movements.


  • Keep breathing steadily, get into a rhythm.
  • Keep your core muscles braced throughout, this will stabilise your squat.
  • Keep your heels down throughout, and stay evenly balanced on your feet.

Wide Squat Exercise

This squat exercise focuses more on your lower back, butt and hamstrings.

  1. Stand with your feet wide apart (outside shoulder width), toes facing slightly outward.
  2. Keep your back neutral, and head facing forward throughout.
  3. Bend your knees and go down into the squat by using your glutes to stick your butt back and down.
  4. Keep going until your knees are almost at 90 degrees. Keep your knees pointed in the same direction as your feet.
  5. Focus on your butt as you come back up.
  6. Go into the next rep without locking your knees. Complete your reps and sets with slow, steady movements.


  • Keep breathing steadily, get into a rhythm.
  • Keep your heels down throughout, and stay evenly balanced on your feet.
  • Keep your core muscles braced throughout, this will stabilise your squat.

Split Squat Exercise

This squat exercise focuses more on your quads and butt.

  1. Stand with your right foot forward (flat on the floor), left foot back (toes bent), both feet facing forward.
  2. Keep your back neutral (not overly arched or slouched), and head facing forward throughout.
  3. Keeping your feet still, bend your knees so your hips go straight down.
  4. Keep your front knee pointed in the same direction as your foot, don't let it bend beyond your toes.
  5. Focus on your front quads and butt as you come back up. Use the back leg for balance.
  6. Go into the next rep without locking your knees.
  7. Complete your reps with slow, steady movements.
  8. Repeat with the opposite leg.


  • Keep breathing steadily, get into a rhythm.
  • Keep your core muscles braced throughout, this will stabilise your squat.
  • Make sure your hips go straight down, and not forwards or backwards.

Wall Squat Exercise

This exercise is similar to the basic squat but allows you to hold at the bottom of the squat.

  1. Stand with your feet about 50cm away from a wall, butt resting on the wall, and hips bent slightly forward so your back is off the wall.
  2. Keep your back neutral, and head facing forward throughout.
  3. Slide your butt down the wall until your knees are at right angles.
  4. Hold for 3 seconds and slide back up.
  5. Go into the next rep without locking your knees.
  6. Complete your reps and sets with slow, steady movements.


  • Keep breathing steadily, get into a rhythm.
  • Keep your core muscles braced throughout, this will stabilise your squat.
  • Keep your heels down throughout.
  • Progress with an exercise ball. Stand with the ball between your lower back and wall. This time, keep your back upright, so that it rolls down the ball as you bend your knees. Don't let your knees bend beyond your toes.

Exercise Pictures

Squat Exercise Videos

Enjoy these squat exercises! Check out the following quality videos for more squat exercise variations:

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