Helen's Calf Stretch

by Helen
(Cardiff, Wales)

My calf stretch! Stretching my gastrocnemius in the sunshine.

I am particularly interested in the way Hatha Yoga can improve people's health. I've worked successfully with students who have a range of medical problems, ranging from the more common conditions such as athritis, asthma and osteoporosis to arguing with a truck in Canada, which is not recommended.

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Jan 27, 2009
Each to their own
by: Asad (editor)

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for your comment, you are right that this is a common stretch and I'm sure you have great technique when executing it.

There are however, many other people out there who benefit from seeing the stretch in practice, and to get an idea of the best technique.

I hope you can find something else on the site that is helpful to you, in the same way that this photo is helpful to many others.

Asad =)

Jan 26, 2009
not very helpful
by: Anonymous

this was not very helpful. the stretch shown is a very common and well known stretch.

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