The glutes are the muscles in your bottom. Gluteus maximus being the most prominent (largest). It is the strongest single muscle in your body. The adductors are situated on the inside of your thighs, which is the groin area. They all work to move your thighs inwards (e.g. when kicking a football with the side of your foot). Groin strains are a common injury. The adductors also help to bend your thigh, so tight adductors can be damaged when running. It's especially important to do groin stretches before and after your exercise. Make sure your glutes and groin muscles are warm, before stretching in your
warm up.
Your cool down is the most important step to avoiding injury. It allows your muscles to relax and recover before your next workout. These glutes and groin stretches should be held for at least 10 seconds. Don't bounce in the stretch and make sure you don't overstretch. You should feel some mild discomfort, but no pain. Groin StretchesHere are various groin stretches: 1 - Sit on the floor with your knees bent to the sides, and the soles of your feet together. 2 - Hold your toes with both hands and pull your feet slightly towards you. 3 - Slowly lean forward from your hips, keeping your back straight and stomach tucked in. Feel the stretch in your groin. Tip - It's tempting to bounce in this stretch, resist the temptation and lean forward in one smooth motion. As your flexibility increases, you'll be able to pull your feet closer to your body. 1 - Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Move each leg out to their sides, as far as they can comfortably go. 2 - Slowly lean forward from your hips, keeping your back straight. 3 - Feel the stretch in your groin. Tip - Again, no bouncing! 1 - Stand with your legs straight and 2 steps apart (toes pointing ahead). Hands on hips. 2 - Point your left toes slightly towards the left. Slowly bend your left knee down. 3 - Feel the stretch in your right groin. 4 - Repeat by switching legs. Tip - If you don't feel the stretch, increase the gap between your feet. Glutes StretchesHere are various stretches for your glutes: 1 - Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Bend your right knee up, and place your right foot on the outside of your left knee. 2 - Use both hands to slowly push your knee further towards your left (the opposite) shoulder. Keep your back straight. 3 - Feel the stretch in your right glutes. 4 - Repeat by switching legs. 1 - Lie on the floor, face up with your legs straight. 2 - Bend your right knee up. Use both hands to pull the knee towards your left (the opposite) shoulder. 3 - Feel the stretch in your right glutes. 4 - Repeat by switching legs. The Piriformis muscle isn't part of your glutes, but it is positioned within them. It's an important muscle involved when you change running direction. 1 - Lie on the floor facing up, knees bent and feet on the floor. 2 - Bring your right foot up and cross it over your left knee. You should end up resting your right ankle on your left knee. 3 - Use both hands to hold the back of your left thigh, and pull it towards you (lifting your left foot off the floor). Feel the stretch in your bottom. 4 - Repeat by switching legs. Enjoy your glutes and groin stretches. Check out the following videos, submitted by people to help guide your groin stretches: <<< Hamstring StretchesLower Back Stretches >>> Show Off Your