Turbulence Training Day 1

Welcome to Turbulence Training Day 1. Home fitness workouts that'll burn fat and sculpt your body in 4 weeks. This is day 1 of Turbulence Training's Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks fat burning workout.

Turbulence Training Day 1 Video

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Today's Workout

Warm Up

1A) Walking Lunge
1B) Stability Ball Ab Pike

2A) Bulgarian Split Squat
2B) 1-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl

3A) DB 1-Leg Calf Raise
3B) Plank with Arms on Ball

4A) Stability Ball Rollout
4B) X-Body Mountain Climber

Interval Training Workout: On-The-Spot Sprints

Cool down and stretching

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P.S. These are the same workouts that I'm doing in the video above. You can see for yourself exactly how effective Turbulence Training workouts are. So, if you're not already doing so, you can track my progress the whole way by filling your Email and Name below:

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P.P.S. Take ACTION today (because tomorrow never comes!), go straight to the Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Package

Turbulence Training Day 1 - Video Transcript

"Hi there and welcome, I'm Asad from Better4Fitness.com and today was day 1 of Craig Ballantyne's Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks Turbulence Training workout.

I have to say, it was pretty tough. It was a lower body and core based workout for day 1, for me that's pretty tough because I've got bad knees!

I'm not trying to push myself too hard right now. I don't want to get an injury on day 1, and suffer for the next 8 weeks or even not be able to do the next 8 weeks.

It (day 1) was just about finding my form and putting safety first and listening to my body. All-in-all it was a good day!

So stay tuned for a fast forward version of today's workout, which is following straight after this. I look a bit stupid =) but it's proof that I did the workout and it gives you an idea of what's involved in the workout.

And I'm doing it from home so it shows you, you don't need (hardly) any equipment for these workouts.

OK, so I'll see you tomorrow, take care and have a good one!"

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