Keep Fit - Stay Healthy - Be Happy

September 23, 2009

Issue #038

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5 Secrets to Why We All Need Protein to Lose Fat

Hi <>,

So my first week in Phoenix, AZ has been awesome! The weather is unbeatable, although some of the locals still think it's too hot, for a guy from the UK, there is no such thing as too hot!

It took a good few days to get over the jetlag, the 20 hour journey and 8 hour time difference messes you up! But now I feel like I've settled in and am back into my workout routine. Also managed a spot of tennis in the heat, crazy but fun! Lots more activities to look forward to.

So this has been my plunge into the unknown. Lots of new places and people, a change of environment to think of fresh new ideas and come up with better ways to help you.

It is of course very exciting, but it also amounts to a lot of stress on the body. With that in mind, I need to make sure I keep my nutrition in check, so that I am able to stick to my goals.

Protein plays a big part in that.

Most people think "only guys who want to get huge need protein", and whilst they do consume a lot of it, the rest of us need protein just as much.

You see, protein is vital in helping your muscles recover and repair quickly after your workout. However, protein also helps keep your immune system strong, regenerate cells and other daily body maintenance.

Here are the 5 top tips to making sure you stick to your goals this Autumn AND avoid the pitfalls of the flu season:

1. Mix It Up - The changing of the seasons can often lead to a lack of direction and boredom with your workouts. This is the perfect time to start a new activity, workout or sport. It will refresh your motivation and excitement to keep going and seeing better results. Don't be like the others who wait and wait until New Year's to start something new, and don't even do it then! Get ahead of the rest and you'll be shocking people over the winter holidays about how great you look.

2. Protein For Muscle AND Health - Remember that protein repairs and develops muscle tissue AND keeps your immune system healthy as well as other vital maintenance of your body.

3. Variety - Protein is broken down in your body into different amino acids, some of which are essential to your body and some are needed in large amounts during exercise. The best way to ensure you get all the amino acids your body needs, is to eat a variety of different sources of protein. Great sources of quality protein are chicken, fish, eggs, whey powder, milk and yoghurt.

4. Fill Up With Protein - Protein is known to make you feel full, quicker (compared to carbs). This is good because you're likely to stop eating before you over-eat. Knowing when you're full takes some getting used to, but can be done by eating slowly and without distractions (such as the TV!). Meals with a mix of protein and complex carbs will help you realise when you're full and to stop eating.

5. Moderation - This is my favourite word! If you are ever in any doubt or confused about what's right and wrong with your diet, remember the word moderation. If everything you eat is in moderation, combined with a variety of different foods, then you can literally eat anything you want and still burn fat. Just don't forget about the exercise part too!

That's all for now, I'm off to do a bodyweight workout followed by a trip to the sports store (my heaven!).

Your Friend and Motivator,

Asad T.

P.S. - Click below to see this amazing motivational message from Kristy to her friend Amy. This is what it's all about (post your comments on that page too):
=> I Believe In You!!

Thoughts and Questions

As always, if you have any questions you'd like to ask me, simply reply to this email and I'll respond as soon as physically possible.

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Keep Fit - Stay Healthy - Be Happy

Asad Tufail

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